Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I like music.

In fact, I like to think myself as somewhat of a scholar of music. I started piano lessons in 3rd grade, started saxophone in 5th grade, drums in 6th grade and played in jazz, concert, marching and pep band. I was even in choir, for goodness sakes!

I like a lot of different types of music, my favorites being jazz, punk, metal and rock. I have known a lot of people who've known - and taught - me a lot about music. I've had a lot of different discussions with many people about music.

Of all types of music, and all bands I've seen, I've made the realization, that one expresses my soul more than any other: The Jayhawks.

Yes, I like harder rock, generally. I love metal and punk and irreverent, political rantings. The Jayhawks aren't any of this. They don't scream or spout rhetoric. But, their music is beautiful. And, I found them all on my own. One year, while vacationing in Minnesota, I saw an album "Tomorrow the Green Grass" and, on a whim, bought it. I saw that it was a Minnesota band and figured I'd pick it up while there. It's been the best decision I've made. Nobody told me about the Jayhawks, nobody recommended them. I didn't even hear of them from a show or video or radio show.

"Tomorrow the Green Grass" is still my favorite album of theirs, but everything they do is great. I also like their cousin-bands, Golden Smog and Wilco (Wilco's new album is shear fucking genius), but, to me, it'll never get better than The Jayhawks.

I remember one party at the lake lot when we listened to this album all night long - litterally...the CD was in my car and played over and over again all night as we slept. How can you not like this kind of music?

The Jayhawks - Tomorrow the Green Grass. If you don't have it...you suck.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Summer continues...

After a few days of colder weather, summer is back and it's in the high 70s or low 80s.

On the patio, beer on the table next to the laptop. Dog is lying in the sun, enjoying the rays and the houseplants are asking me not to put them inside just yet.

To find a more "summery" summer than this of 07, I think I'd have to go back to the lakelot, parties, beer, cigs and all-night music through car speakers.

While the winter isn't nearly as harsh in CO as in IL, I dread it. I'd much rather have another month or two in the sun.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Fantasy Sports again

Today is supposed to be the official end of summer. Since Summer is my favorite season, this saddens me a little. Still, I'm on the patio, my plants are doing well, my dog is sitting in the shade, I'm drinking a beer and listening to the latest Wilco album on my outdoor speakers. Tomorrow is Tuesday and the begining of the week, meaning Wednesday will be here before we know it and it's all downhill from there.

Speaking of the end of things, I am officially out of the running in one of my Yahoo! fantasy baseball leagues. The "playoffs" have started and I finished 8th out of 12. It is a head-to-head league and while I never really got trounced in a weekly matchup, I usually lost somthing like 5-4, which isn't enough to make the playoffs. In my other league I've got a good lock on 2nd place out of 12 teams. My offensive numbers are astounding. Of the 5 offensive categories, I have 12 points (max) in 4 of them and a 9 in RBI. It's only pitching that's keeping me from the title. My wins and K's are ok, but everything else is sucky. I'm 13.5 points ahead of the team in position 3, but only 6 back from the leader. There isn't much time left, but I still have a chance.

Also, on Thursday the NFL season starts and I have 3 Fantasy Football teams to watch over. The old CBL is back and Trish and I have what I feel is a pretty strong team. We also have a brother league (Colorado Wine League) going that I am now running. It's been somewhat of a challenge to get this set up, but it's turned out OK so far. I'm also running a Yahoo! free league mainly to keep me knowledgable about players and scoring that isn't in my other two leagues. It pays to know who's hot and who isn't. This year is the first fantasy sports experience for several owners.

This got me thinking about how long I've been doing this kind of thing. I think I ran my first fantasy baseball team back in 1991, meaning this is the 16th year of doing this stuff. My friends here in Colorado used to make fun of me when we'd go to a baseball game and I'd say "hey that guy used to play for the Twins" or "Craig Biggio started off as a catcher" or something like that. Speaking of Biggio, I've seen some great players start (and end) their careers since I've been "playing". I've done fantasy hockey several years too, but the last 5 years I've been focused on Fantasy Football. It's amazing how much the game has changed. We used to have to hand-compile our stats from Baseball Weekly or the USA Today. Now a website takes care of everything for you, including research, lineups, trades, waivers, etc. It's a huge business too. Crazy.

So, here's to the end of one Fantasy season and the begining of another. Let's hope the other "fantasy" season of the Cardinals winning the central (easier than wildcard) comes true too :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

2 new definitions

This weekend I conceived (with the help of alcohol and friends) of two new expressions I'd like to share with you.

Fecal Alcohol Syndrome: The shits you get the day after imbibing too many drinks. As in *coming out of the bathroom* "Wow, I have a serious case of fecal alcohol syndrome!"

Molestatious: Adj. Relating to or the properties of being likely to molest. As in "I don't trust clowns or ice cream men. They seem really molestatious to me" or "Your uncle Ernie had his molestatious hands all over me at the funeral".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What to do on the road

So I'm in Michigan this week, visiting a variety of sites for work.

What do I do when I'm on the road? Usually, as little as possible. I rarely go out to eat, preferring to get something and bring it back to the room. Last night I had hot wings and cheese sticks (thank God it didn't give me the farts for my meetings today). Tonight I went to Meijer (midwest supermarket) and got some stuff to eat. The primary thing I wanted to get was beer. I don't want to go to the lounge and have to sit there and drink a beer. I want to be in my bed watching TV and drinking one.

So, I bought a 6-pack of beer (new Miller chill - I figured, wtf, who cares, right? It is pretty good, actually), some corn chips, 7-layer dip and an asian salad. I've been eating far too shitty, so I thought I'd get something half-healthy.

I'm sitting in bed, chilling 3 of the beers in my ice bucket, eating my dip (maybe I'll get to the salad eventually) and drinking a half-warm one. I'm watching "War of the Worlds" on HBO and getting ready to participate in a mock fantasy draft on SportingNews.com. I really miss home. But, if you have to travel, it's really nice to be able to "hole up" in your room and live like a fucking slob and not have to do any actual work (once email is caught up).

BTW...Meijer is like a Super Walmart. Well....in the fact that it's full of a bunch of slow, bloated people. Unlike Super Walfuck, it has 40000 self-serve isles that worked very good. So, I didn't have to put down my choices and get out of the store before I could buy my stuff :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

New Belgium does it again

When first moving to Colorado, I became acquainted with a beer called "Fat Tire".

It quickly became one of my favorite beers. Over the last few years I drink it less than I used to, but it's still a good beer.

A few years ago they came out with 1554, which is a black ale. I still think it's one of the best beers I've ever had. While it's a little too strong to be a "drinking" beer, it is really smooth and tasty.

I just returned from the liquor store and they have a new flavor - "Mothership Wit". The liquor store owner hadn't even gotten it in the system yet, but he sold me a sixer. It's an "organic wheat beer". I'm a big fan of both organic and wheat, so this is right up my alley. Bonus? It tastes great! While it's not of the level of something like a Paulaner Heffe or other Belgium or German "Weiss Beirs" it is certainly very enjoyable. Try it out the next time you're at the liquor store! Hell, get a 12-pack at the drive-through!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Barry Bonds

So I'm sitting here watching the All-Star Home Run Derby. There was an interview with Barry Bonds and they asked him about the Home Run record and the interest by the press and fans and (moreso) the lack thereof. He said that he is disappointed that people are more interested in listening to something a 3rd party says about his game than what he says or what he shows on the field. When asked about commisioner Bud Selig's lack of interest in him setting the all-time home run record this year and he basically said that the commisioner is the commisioner and he doesn't have any control over what he does.

Now, I'm no Barry Bonds fan. But, I do think he's definitely one of the top 10 players to ever play in Major League Baseball. This year he's going to hit more home runs than anyone in the game has ever hit. He's one of only 4 players to EVER have a 40/40 year (40 HR and 40 SB) Did he use steroids? I don't know. And, actually, I don't care. Steroids weren't illegal for much of his career. Do you think that Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron or any of the other greats would have taken steroids if they'd been available? You bet your ass they would have. Barry Bonds isn't a media darling. He's never been very glib or funny and sometimes he's been downright reclusive. So-the-fuck what?! He's under no obligation to be super nice. Is he a biggot or a drunk partier like Ruth or some of the other old greats? Doesn't seem to be. Which is the worst offense, to use performance-enhancing drugs or to dislike someone because of the color of their skin? Which is worse, to not be very friendly to a press who has always criticized you, or to be a drunken, wife-beating husband?

Barry is one of the best and should be treated with a lot more respect than he is. I'm glad he's going to break the all-time record. Give him a break!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Henry Rollins - Drawing Conclusions -

As if I didn't already love Henry Rollins enough, here he rants about one of my most unfavorite places - Walmart!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

People on TV who bother me

You ever have shows that you like, but somoene on it just bugs you? Or maybe it's a commercial personality and every time you see it you cringe? Here's a list, in no particular order, of people on shows who bother me.

1) Chloe on "24". She isn't so much "frog-face" as an actual amphibian. She's always serious, always frowning and I am constantly expecting her to flick out her tongue to catch a fly.

2) The Bachelor(yeah, Trish makes me watch this). Or, more precisely, his ribcage. I realize he's a triathelete and a navy dr. and everything, but his fucking chest cavity is about 3x the size it should be. Freaky.

3) Lisa Lyden and her hair. She's one of our local newscasters. She's actually pretty good. But, in the 10 years I've lived here, I don't think I've ever seen her with good hair. It's distracting and bugs me whenever I see her, even TiVoing through commercials.

4) Those two guys who do the Sonic ads. Now, they don't bother me as much as they used to but I really don't think they are funny. They are dumb-looking and annoying.

5) Donald Trump. He's an ass, I've mentioned that. But, specifically, every time he comes into the "firing room" through those double doors, he walks like a dumb gorilla. He's annoying.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Cleanse

As promised, a reality-TV-free entry!

So, a few months ago Trish and I decided to do this "cleanse" thing. Her family had done it a while back and remarked on how good it made them feel.

We bought the stuff at least 2 months ago and we kept trying to make plans to do it, but had to put it off because of travel for one or the other of us. Finally we made the commitment to start it last week.

The cleanse is from Isagenix where they have several different plans. We opted for the 9-day cleanse since that is what her family had done. Basically you start with 2 cleanse days. This involves not eating any solid food except for 2 raw, unsalted almonds or one of their "snacks". The products in the 9-day cleanse are the cleanse, snacks, shake, and accelerator capsule.

The cleanse days you start out with 8oz of water. Then, 30 minutes later you drink 4 caps of the cleanse with 8-12oz water. You snack like 5x/day and have the cleanse for breakfast, lunch, dinner and then an hour or so after dinner. Days 3-7, you don't have the cleanse, but you replace your breakfast and dinner with a shake and have a 400-600 calorie, healthy lunch. You're not allowed any dairy or caffeine and you're advised to stay away from artificial sweetners or regular sugar. Basically you're not supposed to drink anything but water.

The "snack" is basically a hard tablet of compacted shake powder, in my opinion. If you've ever had a protein shake made from powder, that's what it tastes like. The shakes are mixed with water, so, while it isn't horrible, it isn't exactly yummy.

The first two cleanse days weren't too bad, really. It was novel and I stuck to the program completely. I scoffed at 2 almonds. TWO? Come on. But, they really make a difference. By the end of the 2nd day, I was looking forward to my real lunch. Turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread with no condiments...it was great. 5 days of trying to eat very healthy without dairy or additives. Diet Coke was starting to sound really really good. We did good, though. I even made some chicken fingers rolled in home-made bread crumbs (uh, yeah, dried bread, crunched up...high level of difficulty) and then baked in the oven. They were pretty good. Were they as good as Red Robin's...or pretty much any other chicken fingers? No, not really. But, they weren't bad and they were healthy and that's what this all about, right?

Today is day 9. It's the 2nd cleanse day and the last day of the program. I've begun having halucinations about the smell of cooking steak. I am trying to decide what my first real meal will be tomorrow. Chipotle? Subway? What, no pizza? No. See, the thing is, this cleanse is a "reset" button for me. We're going to start eating healthy from now on. Not as much pizza or fast food. Granted, we didn't eat lot of that anyway, but at least once every 2 weeks or so this winter we were ordering pizza. And, since I like deals, I was almost always getting the special of 2 large pizzas so we could have some leftover. So, essentially I was eating pizza like 2-3x after the initial meal. Not good.

I also start back at the gym next week. It's been almost a year since I went regularly and at least 5 full months since I've been at all. Although this time it'll be more cardio and less weights.

I highly recommend this program to anyone. It's certainly made my pants fit better and I am lighter and more energetic. I think it's even improved my mood. I'll definitely be doing this a few times a year to get all the toxins out of my body. In the mean-time I plan on dining with care.

I love food. I'm a huge fan of chocolate and I love fries and chips and meat. But, the thing I've missed the most on this program? Cheese. I can't wait to have some cheese. Subway sounds better and better tomorrow. Pizza would probably kill me from excitement right about now, but I'm not going to start off on that.

It was definitely and interesting experience. You wouldn't blame me if I woke up at 12:01am tomorrow and cooked a tombstone pizza, would you?!


OK, so after reading Voteforetheworst.com, I'm less interested in Idol as a "contest" and more interested in it as reality show. Basically, I know that Sanjaya is going to be kept around longer than others more talented. This week Gina was voted off and it did make me mad because Gina is one of my favorites. But, you know what? Chris Sligh and Gina and their respective mates get to go on vacation together now. ;) Haley, Phil and Gina were the bottom 3. Haley was the least talented of that group. Whatever. It is, what it is.

Dancing with the Stars is mildly interesting and Apprentice has kinda turned around. Survivor has become somewhat more fun and The Race is OK. I just wish that Mirna and Schmirna would get eliminated. The Race is "real" and those two, particularly Mirna, are not very nice.

Oh well, that's my anti-rant on reality this week. Possibly next post won't even be about Reality TV... :)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Reality Rant

So I like to blog about reality shows, OK? Got a problem with that?

So, yeah, it's only Thursday and no Race or Survivor has yet been watched.

However, there is a new player in the Reality game. This is the 2nd season I've watched Dancing with the Stars. This week Paulina Porizkova was sent home. Sure, maybe she wasn't the best dancer, but she wasn't the worst. The thing about Paulina is she was witty, funny and more than a little silly. She was entertaining. Voting her off was a big mistake. Overall, the show is more than a little annoying. I don't like the female host very much. The judges can be irritating and any of the "professional" dances that aren't competition is a little uninteresting. But, it's still fun to see what happens.

Watched Idol last night. Fucking Sanjaya. He didn't even make it in the bottom 3. Haley, Chris and Phil all were. All are about 4x better than motherfuckinsanjaya. Chris, who was one of my favorites, got voted off. He's had a couple of sub-par weeks and it might not be able to have won it, but he's in a whole different category from san-fucking-bear-dick-jaya. I heard someone (was it Simon Cowell?) make a comment that America is voting who they want. That's the big problem. America is fucking stupid and they think it's funny to keep this kid with the stupid hair (did you happen to see his ridiculous fucking mohawk?) on the program while talented people get sent home. Yeah, it's a problem. I have a solution.

America wants to see Sanjaya? Really? OK, then let's make everyone who voted for Sanjaya sit through an entire concert of his "work". OK? Yeah, you like that moglie look-alike with the freakishly huge mouth? You wanna vote for him when real singers get voted off? Cool, then plunk down $50 and go see him rock his silly-ass style for a couple hours. I can only imagine the absurdity a complete body of his work would produce. Go, Sanjaya fans. Go see him. Fucking morons.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Remember the 80s?

I grew up in the 80s. Maybe that's dating myself, but it's true.

Do you remember the dorky/dumb things you did when you were a kid? In the 80s we did some of these things.

1) We pegged our pants. Seriously. What you do is pull out the cuff so it's tight, then fold it back so it is tight against your ankle. THEN you roll up each leg a couple of times, "setting" the fold. So, essentially you shorten and thin your leg. Some guys even had their mom's alter their pant legs so that they were slimmer. Talk about dorky!

2) Carried a comb. I've never really had that much hair. But, in the mid-80s I carried one of those de-tangling plastic combs. You know, the kind with the handle and the wavey teeth? My hair never got tangled, but I had to have one of those combs. I also think I carried a "pick" for a while. Afro anyone?

3) Trapper Keeper. Remember those obnoxious things with the velcro openings? Mine usually lasted all of 3 weeks before the plastic wore out, or I'd doodled on it so much you couldn't see the cool skateboard design or something. Rarely did I actually use it to organize shit. I threw everything in the main compartment and just closed it up.

What kind of things do you remember from the 80s?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My reality week ends on Sunday

So I was traveling this week and had to work to not see certain shows that I was TiVoing at home.

(Again -spoiler alert if you haven't watched reality TV from 3/20-25)

Survivor was interesting. They changed the teams and I found it more interesting than so far this season. I felt bad for Anthony, who was eliminated. He was the "geeky" guy. Yeah, he was a little whiny, but I'd liked to have seen someone else eliminated. Rocky is starting to irritate me and he's being a royal cock to Anthony, so I'd like to have seen Rocky go instead of Anthony, but oh well.

Idol. Oh Idol. What Sanjaya did was different this week, but I still think he sucked. Let me clarify... He's talented. He has a good voice. But I think he's the weekest competitor left. By far. He butchered "You Really Got Me" by the Kinks (Yes, Van Halen did a good version of that song in their debut album, but it was a cover of the Kinks, not written by Van Halen as many think). OK, so Sanjaya wasn't voted off. Stephanie was. Once again, while I don't think Stephanie was going to win the whole thing, she is infinitely more talented than Sanjaya. The shocking thing is, Sanjaya wasn't even in the bottom 3. Chris Richardson and Stephanie were the bottom two. Chris is one of my favorites, not because he sings my type of music or anything, but because he has a good voice, great stage prescence and is possibly the most marketable of all of the contestants. And, he was in the bottom 2, but not Sanjaya. The show has almost become a joke to me now. Sanjaya should have been gone weeks ago. My only hope that he leaves this week, because (have I mentioned this before?) everyone else left is much more talented.

SIDE NOTE: If you didn't catch SNL with Peyton Manning as host this week, you simply have to see it. Andy Samberg does an excellent Sanjaya. I think the current cast of SNL are some of the most talented folks that have been on in quite a while.

This brings me to Amazing Race. Charla and Mirna are back using their annoying fake accents. As I watch, they are currently in the lead, which makes me sick. The only thing that tempers that a bit is that Charla was sick on the boat too, puking over the side of a boat. But, that didn't prevent them from finishing 1st again. These people are rude to everyone, including most of the local folk they meet. They prayed with one on this trip (highly awkward for him) and then kept saying (again, in their fake spanish accent) "hurry up, we're not on a leisurely trip" to people like cab drivers, etc. Frankly, I think they're jerks, annoying, mean and I was ready for them to go weeks ago. Maybe they and Sanjaya can take a trip to somewhere far from any TV cameras together? Please? Teri and Ian, the older couple on the Race were eliminated. Nice people. Too bad Mirna and Schmirna weren't the ones :(

Does anyone else even watch this stuff?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Reality continues to disappoint

Ug. Sanjaya made it through last week's Idol. Brandon, while probably not someone who would have won, was voted off. Are the people who vote idiots or do I have no right to complain since I don't vote? I still think the whole system is wrong. Judges and voters should have equal influence.

And watching Amazing Race right now and Charla and Mirna have arrived first. While they weren't quite as annoying this week, I still want them gone. They are so phony and mean and then act like everyone else is mean to them. And, what's with their fucking accents? They speak normal English one minute, the next they sound like a bad actor portraying a mexican in a b-grade movie. They need to go! Instead, Uchenna and Joyce were last but they were NOT eliminated. I am so relieved, because I really like them, even though they are past winners. I still hope the "'irna" team chokes next week. I could stand to see the Guido's gone too, though.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The 2006 Music Review

I started my 2006 Music review in January, but haven't gotten it finished. Since it's March, I figured some is better than none, so here it is

2006 was a pretty good year for music. My tastes lean more towards the heavy stuff, but there were quite a few albums that I think deserve recognition this year.

Pop Album of the year: Corinne Bailey Raeself-titled

While the songs from this album weren’t exactly top-of-the-charts, I did hear them on several venues, including late night talk shows and SNL. Corinne’s voice is full and clear, but still allows smoky jazz undertones. The music is groovy and fun yet has substance. I often pick this to play when entertaining. It sounds a bit like old-school Jazz (Billie Holiday) but her English accent gives it a different twist.

Metal Album of the year: Hatebreed - Supremacy

Hatebreed has been a staple of anti-establishment affirmation metal for some years now. But, I believe this album provides a higher degree of cross-over than any of their previous offerings. Despite its name, Hatebreed is all about building yourself up, rather than tearing others down. Traditionally Hatebreed is "Hardcore", meaning it's not straight metal like Pantera, but has punk undertones and is speadier, without being dubbed "speed metal".

Rock and Roll Album of the year : Black Stone Cherry - Black Stone Cherry

Roadrunner Records has another star with Black Stone Cherry . I first heard Black Stone Cherry on Headbanger's Ball. I thought "this isn't really metal". But what it was was rock and roll. Not since...well, Soundgarden...have I heard a group that reminds me so much like Soundgarden. This is not to say that they sound like Soundgarden, but merely that they remind me of them. Certainly they don't have the distinctive vocals of Chris Cornell, but they have similar cadence, guitars and sound. However, they have a southern lilt to their work, reminiscent of Pantera. These guys are not metal. But, what they also aren't are pop. It's not synthesized, yet it isn't yelling. It is harder than Audioslave and it's not folky like R.E.M. While it sounds like part of a lot of different bands, it is its own entity. Try it out. I was happily surprised by the strength of the album.

Album of the year : Silent Civilian - Rebirth of the Temple

Silent Civilian released its first album in 2006 and I liked it from the first time I heard it. Most people would consider it metal, but I think it is definitely more mainstream, sort of like Avenged Sevenfold. However, I think Silent Civilian’s songs are more diverse than A7X’s stuff. Rebirth of the Temple provides all sorts of sound and feeling. You can understand the lyrics and the music, while catchy and invigorating, isn’t popish or cliquey. It is simple good hard rock-n-roll. This album transcends rock, metal and alternative music. Give it a try, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Honorable Mentions
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium (best album since Blood Sugar Sex Magic)
All That Remains - The Fall of Ideals
Atreyu - A Death Grip on Yesterday
Buckcherry - 15
Gnarles Barkley - St. Elsewhere
Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape
Helmet - Monochrome (disappointing, but it's still Helmet)
In Extremo - Raue Spree (German Metal with Bagpipes!)
Prince - 3121 (Most complete album since Purple Rain)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Reality TV

I've never been a big fan of reality TV. I didn't understand the whole hype about Survivor or American Idol. Yeah, I've watched the Amazing Race for several seasons, but that is the only show I watched.

Well, the past couple years, my interest has expanded. I've watched the last couple seasons of Survivor and really like it. I've also watched Beauty and the Geek and a few other reality TV shows. This year is the first I've watched American Idol, having never watched a complete episode before this year. I have to say that I'm entertained. I also started with my first full season of "The Apprentice". Trish has been a fan of that one for a while, but I've never been interested.

*******SPOILER ALERTS - if you haven't watched the latest episodes of reality shows, go no further**************

This season's Survivor is disappointing. Not only is there a distinct lack of personality in the pool, but one team has consistently lost every single competition. They haven't won reward or immunity at all. Last week's episode was so disheartening, seeing the downtrodden team losing once again. I'm almost to the point where I can't watch them lose anymore.

Apprentice is actually getting ridiculous, in my opinion. A show that started out moderately interesting has turned into a showcase for how pompous and idiotic someone can be. This last episode, Donald Trump fired a guy out of turn (he wasn't on the chopping block yet) because he referred to himself as "white trash". The guy was obviously joking around, referring to his roots, but of course Donald took it too seriously and just fired him. Donald Trump is not only a complete dickhead, but his "fame" and success have gone to his head. He's an overbearing prick who gets off on throwing his considerable weight around. I think I'm done with this one. I'll probably watch a few more episodes, but I'm certainly not going to be excited about it.

The Amazing Race tonight was disappointing too. Charla and Mirna, the biggest crybabbies in the history of AR (well, except for the 'bama team) managed to beat Rob and Amber and get them eliminated. Mirna and Shmirna should be gone. They fight with every team, are not entertaining or nice at all, and are just not fun. Rob and Amber, however, whether you love 'em or hate 'em, are entertaining and also good racers. My only hope is that "the cousins 'irna" get eliminated this next leg. They gotta go.

Finally, my greatest disappointment in the last week of reality TV was American Idol. I think all of the people who went to Hollywood were talented. However, there is definitely a tier of singers. One of the guys, Sanjaya, is 17 and has a nice voice. But, he doesn't have the performance capabilities of the other guys. Additionally, the last 2 weeks his performances have been...well, let's just say "lackluster" would be kind. But, America voted and he was retained last week. This week his performance was even worse and I was sure he was going home. Likewise for Haley, one of the girls. She's good, but she isn't of the quality of the rest of the girls. America decided to send home Jared Cotter, who, while not one of the top guys, was still infinitely better than Sanjaya. While this didn't bother me too much, the other guy eliminated was Sundance, one of my favorites. Sundance was consistently better than many of the guys and I don't know WTF the voters were thinking. Sundance was a real singer. Sanjaya is a 17 yr old kid who can sing OK, hasn't been good and really has no stage presence. Likewise on the girls side, while I could see that Antonella Barber had gone as far as she should have, the voters kept Haley and voted out Sabrina Sloan, who is much more talented than Haley. I don't think Sabrina would have won it, but she really deserves to be there above Haley. The judges were shocked. I just think these final rounds kinda suck. It should NOT be all based on America's votes. I think, like Dancing with the Stars, the scoring should reflect a 50/50 split between what the judges think and what America thinks. Letting an audience who obviously knows shit-all about singing or performance is really sad.

Overall it's been a very disappointing week in reality TV. I can only hope that someone on Survivor gains a personalty, Trump gets some humility, the cousins trip over each-other in AR, and America grows some balls on Idol.

All this and I just learned I have to wait until June for Rescue Me, the best show on TV. It's going to be a long spring...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Meat please

I don't think I'd be able to be a vegetarian.

Last night Trish and I went to Outback (Eerrtbeerk sterrk herse)and, after contemplating a salad or pasta or something like that, I decided to go with my standby, the filet. I like salad. I love Outback's chop salad and I ate ever bit of it. But, even though I wasn't hungering for steak, the filet was wonderful. I get it medium rare and this was cooked to perfection. Not dripping blood, but red in the middle and pink the rest of the way through. I wasn't super hungry, so I finished about 1/2 of the 9oz filet, but I did that knowing that I'd be eating the leftovers, possibly cold.

Today, in an attempt to eat things we have on hand instead of ordering/buying something, I cooked two pieces of bacon and put it on some leftover jalapeno foccacia bread. It's funny when you make something on a whim or with leftovers that is great. This was great. Bread would probably be my #2 desire behind meat. No secret that I love sandwiches as they include both.

Maybe I'm just thinking about food because Trish and I are planning a "cleanse" in a couple of weeks. What this does is takes all the toxins from your body and allows you to absorb nutrients again. It's a 9-day cleanse and the first and last 2 days, you eat no solid food. For the other 5, you only get one "normal" meal a day. I'm looking forward to it, because I want to "reset" my body and start working out again, etc. But, I will certainly miss the flesh that I love.

I guess some of us are just carnivores.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscars and shit

Ever get excited about something only because someone you love is?

I've never been a bit fan of awards or award shows. Sure, I pay some attention to sports awards, especially MVP and such in baseball. But, honestly, I couldn't care less who wins a grammy, emmy, oscar, sag, or mtvshitstain award. It's all pretty arbitrary and my idea of entertainment is far different than most folks anyway. A lot of the movies I thought were entertaining this year aren't even nominated for anything this year. Who cares? Scrubs didn't win anything and I still think it's one of the funniest shows on TV.

But, Trish likes it. She gets into all of it. She'd watch 137 hours of red carpet bullshit if she could. All the fashion crap, interviews, swag, etc. She's into. Fuck, I didn't even know what swag was a year ago. I honestly don't give a rat's ass (as my father would say) about Dreamgirls. Babel? Yeah, I'd like to see that. Departed? Absolutely. I'm embarassed I didn't get to see that in the theatres. And, I loved Little Miss Sunshine and think it should win an award. Best picture or something. I don't even know the categories. I'd have to guess there are Best Picture, Best actor, Best director, Best supporting actor/actress, etc. But, I know we'll watch all of the awards tonight including the "Best supporting animal in an animated porno for set design" or whatever. Hell, we're tivoing the awards and recording an hour past the show because it's a "live" showing. And, if I had to hazzard a guess, I'm betting that the 18 hours of Academy Awards recordings will stay on the TiVo for weeks, if not months. Trish mourns the loss of Tivoings like I mourn throwing away an old T-shirt or small piece of wood. "But...but, I might be able to use it some day!" "It's a 2"x3" piece of plywood. Throw it out!". Similar arguments don't work with TiVo recordings. I think we have the last 7 months of SNL still on our bedroom TiVo. :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to these awards. I used to think the Academy Awards and Oscars were different shows, whereas Trish can tell you what won the best picture in 1992. No shit. Not kidding at all. Me? I use google and imdb for that shit. Trish has the best memory and knowledge of anyone I've ever known on trivia. If you're ever playing a trivia game with her, make sure she's on your team.

So, I'll be watching it. Hell, I AM watching it, right now. We're on interview 400 so far. And, I'm interested because she is. If I were alone I'd probably have it on in the background (unless Battlestar Gallactica was on) while I played WoW. But, she's into it, so I'm into it. I guess that's what love does.

PS - and Ellen is fucking hilarious!


Recently I switched to the "new" version of Blogger, which uses my Google login to post things. Unfortunately, I can never seem to get my username or password right. Even when I do, I can't seem to post on other blogs with it. Yay for upgrades!

I have so many logins now, that I can never remember all my usernames and passwords. Some, like my work HR password, seem to change every time I login. And, since I don't login there very often, I used to have my password reset monthly. Then I decided I'd just write down some of those things and not worry about it. Anyway, I hope to be posting again now that I can actually access my account.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What's with ER?

I've been watching ER since its inception in 1994. 13 seasons later and I still think the show is one of the best on TV.

But, after watching the latest episode last night (thanks TiVo!), I have to wonder where the current writers get their sadistic streak.

Sure the main characters have suffered their share of deaths, breakups, maulings, arrests, screw-ups and more than a few broken relationships. But, at some point can't they just allow at least one or two of the characters to enjoy themselves and be happy? How about focusing on the MEDICAL parts again. Some of the characters just have one major problem after another.

Let's take Sam. First of all, she's a single mother to a teanager. If that isn't bad enough, take into account that her ex husband is a loser who kept trying to mess with her son. Finally, a season or two ago, he kidnapped him. Sam, who, at the time, was dating Dr. Kovac, had to run across the country to try to find him. Oh, and he was diabetic, without his medicine and was almost dead when they finally found him. Oh, and then she and Kovac broke up because he wanted kids and she didn't. Then she and her son were kidnapped at gunpoint by her ex and some of her prison buddies. The Ex shot the other two accomplices. Sam was raped and then killed her ex while he slept. She managed to get off of any charges. Then she met a nice intern at the hospital. He came over and the first night they slept together her son started a fire and caught her entire apartment building on fire, almost killing several people, including them. Hasn't she suffered enough? I mean, she's been through her share of shit. Yet whenever she starts to get on track, they fuck her up again. Enough already!

Then there's Dr. Kovac. Not only was his entire family murdered in Croatia before he came to the states, but he's had plenty of hard times. He's almost lost his license a couple times, had plenty of legal problems, personal problems and been threatened at losing his job several times. He lost several relationships, including ones with Abby and Sam. He was almost killed during the kidnapping of Sam at the hospital and Abby, who's carrying his child, almost died. They finally managed to get through that and there were problems with Abby's birth. The writers let their son live (unlike with Dr. Carter) and Kovac starts having legal problems with a former patient of his. He manages to be cleared of all charges, but the guy stalks him, finally showing up at his house (last week)threatening Abby, taking Kovac hostage, crushing his hand (ruining his career?) and then almost killing him. The guy's suffered enough. Let him be happy!

Finally we have Abby. She's an ex-drunk with a psychotic mother and a loser brother who have caused her plenty of problems. She's had hardship after hardship, lost several relationships and has had heartache all along the way. She was abducted last season, held at gunpoint and made to care for an injured gang-banger for several hours. She almost lost her baby with Kovac and now their livlihood is in question due to his injury. She's lost almost every friend she's had on the show at one time or another. They just can't seem to leave her alone. They'll let her be happy for a show or two, then screw her over.

I'd love to see them do more of the medical dramas and less on the disastrous lives of all the people in the ER. At least let some of these folks have some success. I realize that life isn't a bowl of cherries. But neither does it have to be a endless stream of french-fried dog turds.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

DIA how I hate you.

Denver International Airport (DIA). I try to fly out of Colorado Springs Airport most of the time. Usually this is because it's more convenient, but it is also determined by cost, flight availability and time it takes for me to get up to DIA Vs. just flying from the Springs.

Last weekend I tried to fly out of DIA. The weather was bad and it took me 3 hours to get to DIA, only to find that my flight to O'Hare had been delayed and I'd miss my flight to Michigan. I was told there was nothing available and I was basically fucked. Oh, I could stay the night in the airport and try to fly out at 6:30am the next morning on standby. Uh, no.

So, today I drove to DIA. Weather was cold, but the roads were fine and I got there with plenty of time. Well, plenty of time except that the "garage" (and I use that term lightly. It is a series of roads and misused space more than an actual place to park cars) was full. I had to park in economy. Normally I don't mind this. but it was 20-something degrees and a little windy in Denver. "whatever", I think. I'll just walk a little bit. 15-minutes later, I make my way out to the most remote lot they have. I think it was Q-10 or something. I wrote it down. Suck. Now, I wore my Crocs for comfort, because taking off your shoes for security and also on the plane is essential. I hadn't planned on walking over ice for a quarter-mile to get to the fucking terminal...

+++++As I write this, "Three Amigos" is on at the hotel. I forgot how funny this is. It's like modern-day Monty Python, except with 2 of my favorite actors, Chevy Chase and Steve Martin...not to mention Martin Short.+++++

So, I managed to check in at United. Luckily I avoided the horrid lines and did auto-check, since I had no bags to check. United really sucks out of DIA. Last week they gave me no assistance and basically said "you're fucked" when I tried to tell someone I was going to miss my flight becuase of their delays.

Anyway, I made it to Security about an hour before my flight. No problem, right? Riiiight. DIA security has a progressively ass-puckering strictness about what you can and can't carry on. I'm no stranger to travel, even after the liquid ban. But, I get in the line and they are telling everyone "No gallon-sized bags for your liquids". I know about the 3oz maximum of each type of liquid. (which makes really no sense, couldn't I just use 3oz of like 15 different bottles?). I also know you put all your toiletries in a ziploc and take it (or not, if you aren't flying from DIA) out of your bag. So, the sphincter-beasts at DIA are saying that you have to put your shit in a quart-sized bag. At first I'm worried. I'm thinking "Great, so I'm going to be restricted because of the size of my bag?" It's fucked-up enough that I even have to carry all my tiny-sized shit in a ziploc. But now I have to put it in a quart bag? Fuck them. I took it out, put it with my Crocs and got through. Morons. Hey, at least I'm not the guy in the turban behind me. Hell, he didn't even get strip-searched.

After my nice little 20 minutes delay from security, I'm still OK on time.

++++pause - my room service is here!++++++

+++++That was a good fucking burger. Took about 5 minutes to eat because I was starving.+++++

So, I'm OK on time, right. I take the tram to concourse B. I find the wing that my gate is at, but I want to get lunch before, right? I go to McDonalds. They have like 5 people working, but only a couple are taking orders because....who the fuck knows? Also, the line can't fit in front of the cashiers because they have tables about 6 feet from the line. Dumb? You bet. I make my way to the counter and place my order. I hand her my debit card. "Cash only", in thickly-accented English. Then I remember I've run into this before. I just shake my head in digust and walk off, towing my carry-on and laptop bag through the horde of other dinees.

So, then I have to decide whether I want mexican or pizza. Neither (although the Cantina bar and grill at DIA is pretty good if you're there) sound good. Then I see a sign saying italian food near gat B21. I'm at gate B26, so I head to my gate. I can't find the Italian place, but I see a Quiznos. The people of Quiznos are nice and I place my order pretty quickly. I highly recommend the mesquite-grilled chicken ranch sandwich if you're around a Quiz. I get my sandwich relatively quickly. I absolutely love standing around a big group of people, all of us with nearly-identical black carry-ons trailing behind us like large square tails, trying to get past the line to get our drinks and stuff like that. Fun! So, I head to my gate. My flight is already boarding. Fuck. I put my sandwich in my bag and suck down my diet coke. I get in line because my boarding zone has already been called. DIA has managed to eat up over an hour of my time due to parking, security and a McDonalds with 1980s-age finance practice.

I get on OK. I'm in a window, which doesn't make me happy. Also, the tiny fucking plane is max capacity. I get seated with 2 Chicago guys coming back from a ski vacation. They're cool, but big ski coats fill any remaining "room" there would have been on this fucking crop-duster. But, they're nice, kinda funny, and don't really talk too much, which is fine with me.

Ah, then the plane is delayed on takeoff. God really doesn't want me in Michigan. We take off only about 10 minutes late. I figure that's OK because I have about 55-minutes of lay-over at O'Hare. After we're airborne, I gobble down half of my sandwich as quickly as I can with my elbows pinned to my side like some crab-person.

Flight goes well. The new Stephen King book "Cell" is pretty good. Nothing mind-blowing, but still good. Then the pilot comes on and says that we'll be hovering around Janesville, WS for a while because things are delayed. Oh, then the guys next to me mention all the lake-effect snow that's supposed to be in Michigan. Fuck. Ing. Fab. Youlose.

We're delayed about 10 minutes, and I get on the ground about 25 minutes prior to my flight. Oh, and it's cold in Chicago. Colder than in Denver, even. And Denver was about 15 degrees colder than (Oh good, Happy Gilmore is on now. And, I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen the whole thing) Colorado Springs. I can see my breath all the way up the concorse thing. I make it to my flight, which has already mostly boarded. I get through, no thanks to the huge (and I'm talking 300 lbs) pair of United "ladies" who grunt directions on how to get the plane. Of course it's a puddle jumper and I have to slide over ice (once again) while walking on the tarmac. Guess the Crocs will be making the trip back in my bag.

I make it to my tiny plane. The attendant on this plane is friendly in a midwestern-dame sort of way. I find a whole side (2 seats) to myself and settle in. Flight goes great. People are nice. King is good.

I land and it's colder still. Let's review. Colorado Springs has been cold. But, it's probably about 15 degrees colder in Denver. Then colder still in Chicago. On the ground in Michigan it's 18 degrees.

Having had to check my carry-on at the plane when I boarded, I ask where it will be. The guy says "end of the ramp". Uh, no it isn't. I'm wondering where it is and whether I should do the "Exit security to claim baggage". I decline to do that right away and get situated. Luckily I did this, because a guy brought the bags through a nearby door. I grabbed my bag and went to the Hertz counter. The woman there was super nice and courteous. I run out to my car and it's a brand-new Camry. It even has a couple ice-scrapers. This thing is spotless, inside and out. It has that new-car smell. Mmmmmmm. It warms up quickly and I follow well-marked signs out of the small airport. I follow great directions to the city. It's cold, but, unlike Colorado, they actually plow the snow here, so the streets are clear.

I make it to the Doubletree, even through major detours. They check me in quickly, even giving me a "welcome" bag with a warm chocolate-chip cookie and two waters. I get to my room easily. The room is really nice. It looks brand new. I'm liking Michigan. Compared to Denver, this place is first-class. I'm in my room about 10 minutes and the front desk calls "Just calling to make sure everything is satisfactory". Indeed.

I call the restaurant, not wanting to go back out, and place a to-go order. They say it'll be right up. "You're going to bring it to me?" "Absolutely, sir. It'll be ready in about 30 minutes". About 15 minutes later a knock on the door. It's someone with ice and chocolate. Ice and chocolate? Jeez. I grab my bag of ice and my two chocolates from the nice lady, embarassed I don't have any cash. 15 minutes after that, room-service arrives. It's on a huge platter. Real salt and pepper shakers. The burger is hot, not just warm, but almost too-hot to touch! Fries are good, there are all the condiments and a mint too. Nice setup for a $7 burger. This Doubletree is, so far, about 5x better than the one in Dallas. There's an outlet by the bed for my laptop. The wireless internet is free. The bathrooms are all new, not just semi-redone with a pipe sticking out the ceiling. The layout is nice and tastefully decorated. Saginaw > Dallas.

And that brings me to now. I'm full and watching Happy Gilmore. Sure I have to be at work by 6am Mountain time. But at least this place knows how to treat people. Sure, United still doesn't win any customer-service awards, but the local people are surely more kind than the wahoos in Colorado. Let's hope my chances of getting my connection on-time in Chicago are better than fair. I really don't want to spend any more time at either O'Hare or DIA than I have to. Turns out the "sticks" is more refined, or at least nicer and more put-together than those big cities. God how I dread going back through DIA. *shudder*

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ready for spring

I'm ready for spring. Hell, I'm just looking forward to the next few days in the 40s. I've been in Colorado for 10 years this month and this is the worst winter I've seen. It's been cold, gloomy and last weekend was the 5th weekend in a row with snow.

What I want is to be able to walk into the back yard barefoot and feel warm grass. I want to wear sunglasses for sun, not snow glare. I am ready for things to bloom and to see some green instead of shades of grey. I want a fucking mojito.

However, there is some color, like the sunrise today at 7am.

But I think Jax says is best here...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Things to note

1) 4 straight weeks with snow really bums me out.
b) Eating chocolate while sitting on the toilet isn't gross....just don't go cleaning your nails with your teeth while you do it.
3) The COX-2 enzyme is responsible for causing the inflammation associated with pain. Second-generation pain-relievers block this without blocking the COX-1 enzyme that helps protect the stomach lining. Ibuprofen and aspirin block both, which is why they upset the stomach sometimes. However, blocking only the COX-2 enzyme has side effects that can affect how the body's system works, including causing damage to the cardio-vascular system, sometimes resulting in death. Yet, the government is allowing patents on everything from tests that monitor enzymes in the body, to blockers of enzymes, to say nothing of gene-markers and the actual genes themselves. We're on the verge of going too far, not with our exploration of nucleic acids (dna, rna) but with the litigiousness involved in marketing these things. Not only will we continue to pay higher and higher prices for designer drugs created by patent-monopolies, but we may lose ownership of things inside our own bodies. Oh the things you learn from Michael Crichton and reading the Scientific American Journal while in the waiting room.
4) knees are ugly

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

McGwire snubbing

I'm now convinced that the Baseball Writers Association are comprised largely of egocentric assholes, who, having not been able to achieve the level of physical prowess as professional athletes, use their political pull to affect these players lives.

In yesterday's Hall of Fame voting for the Baseball Hall of Fame, the BWA voted in Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn, but snubbed Mark McGwire. Sure, there were a lot of other great players not voted in this year, too, but McGwire unquestionably deserves to be in there.

Their reasoning for not voting in McGwire is because of suspected steroid use. Suspected. The thing is, he refused to answer, under oathe, whether he had used these substances or not. People took this as a sign of guilt. He admitted that he used certain substances that, while they weren't banned by baseball at the time, are now.

I understand that he wasn't voted in during his first eligible year. But what I don't understand is how these "judges" can keep him out because they think he seemed like he might be guilty of using "substances". McGwire was a gentleman. He helped (is helping) numerous charitable organizations. He was a team player and his home run race with Sammy Sosa reinjuvinated the game of baseball. Tell me you're any kind of sports fan and don't remember the 98 season when he broke Roger Maris' record and finished with 70 home runs?

And, if you are convinced that he took steroids and this allowed him to hit all those home-runs, do you think that he took steroids his whole career? Do you think this allowed him to win his gold gloves and silver sluggers? Come on!

The Hall of Fame contains some people with questionable character: drunks, wife-beaters, racists. Is using steroids grounds for banning from the Hall of Fame? I don't think so. Lots of people, especially during McGwire's era, used controlled substances. The fact that he rose above all those proved that he still performed at a level beyond them. But, that isn't the point. The point is it wasn't proven he used them. People THINK he did because he refused to answer some questions about his past.

It's an atrocity that no-talent, holier-than-thou WRITERS (not players...Tony Gwynn himself stated that McGwire should be in there) can decide the fate of such a great man. To make it worse, many comments I've seen state that they're glad that McGwire wasn't voted in. Will Barry Bonds, one of the best players of all-time, be refused admission because he bulked up so fast? Or because he's an asshole to the press?

People need to grow up, take themselves less seriously and recognize that accomplishments are accomplishments. If you're going to start voting people out of "the club" because of questionable character or possible errors in judgement, then don't judge them by their stats at all.

By stats alone, McGwire should be in there. When you add to the fact how he carried himself and what he did with baseball, he should be on the top of the list.

Go to Hell, BWA. Let the players vote on who should be included.