You ever have shows that you like, but somoene on it just bugs you? Or maybe it's a commercial personality and every time you see it you cringe? Here's a list, in no particular order, of people on shows who bother me.
1) Chloe on "24". She isn't so much "frog-face" as an actual amphibian. She's always serious, always frowning and I am constantly expecting her to flick out her tongue to catch a fly.
2) The Bachelor(yeah, Trish makes me watch this). Or, more precisely, his ribcage. I realize he's a triathelete and a navy dr. and everything, but his fucking chest cavity is about 3x the size it should be. Freaky.
3) Lisa Lyden and her hair. She's one of our local newscasters. She's actually pretty good. But, in the 10 years I've lived here, I don't think I've ever seen her with good hair. It's distracting and bugs me whenever I see her, even TiVoing through commercials.
4) Those two guys who do the Sonic ads. Now, they don't bother me as much as they used to but I really don't think they are funny. They are dumb-looking and annoying.
5) Donald Trump. He's an ass, I've mentioned that. But, specifically, every time he comes into the "firing room" through those double doors, he walks like a dumb gorilla. He's annoying.
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