Monday, July 30, 2012


I love the Olympics. Specifically I love the camaraderie, and the sportsmanship. You have people from all over the world cheering each other on. There are international handshakes and people from nations which are normally at odds pulling others up on the gold medal podium with them.

This is the kind of thing that gives me hope for humanity. I know that it's dramatized. And I know that a lot of these athletes already know each other. In some cases they play professionally on the same team or attend the same college. But then there are the countries who send 4 athletes or countries who have never won a medal before. Still the athletes attend and compete. Some of these people only attend one Olympics, returning to lives of obscurity with little or no fanfare. Others become national heroes. These people devote their entire lives for that one race, a single shot or a critical performance.

In ways I envy them because they have a focus that is unrivaled by nearly anything else. Many times they start training before they even go to school. This dedication is staggering. And their sacrifice is substantial. But, they know what they are going to do and they go for it. Succeed or fail, they go and compete.

While I love the USA and I mostly root for our teams, I can't help but smile when I witness the jubilation that comes with any athlete's win.

So, I'll continue to watch these games occurring in London. And I'll cheer on the athletes and applaud acts of sportsmanship and generosity. And my hope is for success for all those competing, whether that means a new personal record, a gold medal or simply competing for the first (and possibly last) time on the largest stage in the world.

Congratulations to all of you. You're an inspiration.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Texting gets a lot of press for being a teenage girl thing. I think it's the best thing to happen to dudes with respect to communication in a long time. Emails are fine but the text message works over more platforms and is shorter and more to-the-point.

There's lots of times when I just want to tell someone "I'm on the way" or ask a quick question. It allows me to check in with my dudes without having to make a phone call. Let's face it dudes don't usually like to spend a lot of time on the phone.

It also allows you to have a conversation over a length of time. When it might be awkward to calm you friend just to say "what's up?" you can text it and your friend can get back to you whenever is most convenient.

Plus you can send pictures, tell someone what you want on your burger, send directions or whatever and you don't have to write it down because it's already there! Extra good for forgetful people like me.

Yay for texts!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Facebook....and shit

It amazes me how much unoriginal, re-circulated bullshit is on the internet, and Facebook in particular.

It's annoying when a friend, who hasn't posted in a week, gets online and shares 5-10 photos, statements or videos. You know what, say it YOURSELF, don't just share some lame shit someone else has already written, stolen or bastardized. It's like Facebook is suffering from the same malaise as Hollywood - nothing original.

The other really annoying thing is the new genesis of the chain letter. I'm talking about people who always...ALWAYS...share a status because it says "If you love the USA, share this photo!" or "If you think Jesus Christ has 3 testicles, share this!".

You know what that shit garners from me? A click on the line saying "Mark as Spam". JC doesn't give a fuck if you like something someone tells you to like if you love him. It's not going to make you a better Christian or a better person. It makes you a fake, posturing, unoriginal motherfucker.

It's fine to "like" things. Hey, I've liked dozens of movies and musicians. I like to get random Caddyshack quotes or see where the Voodoo Glow Skulls are playing that night.

But for the love of gum, stop screaming from the rooftops how much a supporter you are of the United States or Jesus Christ. Or, if you do, scream it in your own voice, not with recycled trash.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


If you say "I could care less", then you're saying exactly that. Does that make sense? I think what you're trying to say is "I couldn't care less". So you're basically saying you don't give a shit about something, right? OK, then say it correctly.

Their, They're, There. How many times can this be abused? Answer: many. Let me try to simplify this for you. Their is possessive. This means it signifies ownership of something. Example: "That is their house". There is a destination. "Go over there." They're is a conjunction. It is a shortened form of "They are". Don't misuse these, please. It may sound harmless but it makes you look like a dumbshit and it only adds to the bastardization and destruction of the English language. Maybe if everyone clamoring for "Americans to speak English" actually learned how to read and write it correctly, their position would have a little more credence.

One of the ones that I see misused more and more often is "It's". "It's" is a contraction. It literally means "it is". It is not possessive. This is actually an understandable mistake because many possessive forms DO have the apostrophe-s after them. Examples: That is Sally's dog. That is the company's building (not companies, which is plural for company). If you say "It's over there", you're fine. If you say "That's it's tail", you're wrong (and probably shouldn't use two contractions together anyway)and are basically saying "That is it is tail". Funny, right?

Also, did you know that if you are using a possessive form of a word which ends in "S" it is your choice whether to use another S or not? "Chas' blog" is correct, but so is "Chas's". I usually try to leave off the other s because it makes me feel like I'm saying Chasesesesesssssssssss.

Right. So I'm not perfect, but just wanted to mention this as 73% of the people on that thare internets seem to really fuck up our language.

When you combine languages you really get something fun. I just read this one. How about The LA Angels baseball team. It literally translates to "The The Angels Angels". Stutter much?

Behind the boathouse, I'll show you my dark secret

So let me start by saying it's come to my attention that some people are actually reading this blog. Well, at least a couple. OK, one. I've been told "Chas, you should tell people about your blog. It's good". Hmmm. I dunno if I want to do that. However, dear reader, if YOU want to share this blog and tell more people about it, please do. After all, the BEST form of advertising is word-of-mouth advertising.

Now on to today's thoughts.

Nobody likes being lied to. Do they? I mean, people are into some weird shit. But I don't think anyone LIKES being lied to. So why, when your media source consistently and undeniably lies to you over and over again, do you keep listening to/watching it? I'm talking about Fox news, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others like him. I'm talking about seriously skewed networks like NBC or ultra-liberal publications that have their heads so far up Obama's ass that they chew his breakfast for him. Now, granted, not all of these mentioned purposely lie and deceive the public, but many of them do. Why? Power and money. Apparently people like being lied to, right? What other explanation can there be? Surely the extremists (right and left) can't be that ignorant not to recognize when their talking-head-of-choice is spewing fantastic fabrications. OK, maybe some people are that dumb, but come on! Are they just too proud to admit, "Shit, what Glen Peck just said CAN'T be right"? Maybe. I mean, there are people out there who still think Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. They're fixated with that. Why? Because their 'head tells them it's true and they believe it just because. Lambs. Slaughter.

If Obama and his party/team/minions were able to deceive the entire U.S. government, the entire intelligence community and everyone else by fabricating his citizenship (or hiding his past) then he must be an evil genius. A mastermind of such obscene proportions that I'd think he'd find a much better position to fill than the POTUS. Those who believe he's not a citizen - If your party is so inane as to be unable to find ACTUAL proof of his lack of citizenship after all these years, then maybe your party is dumb.

OK, so my point. Point? I have to have a point? Shit. point is that the media is a multi-faceted entity. It entertains. It reports. It protects. But, somehow a lot of the NEWS has passed into the realm of entertainment. And, gradually , the lines have blurred and you're not getting facts anymore, you're getting entertained. And, these people wouldn't lie to you if you didn't like it. Right? Because, bottom-line, they make money off of you being entertained. If you like what you see or hear. If you are getting some sort of value from it, then you watch/listen and they sell advertising and they make money. My question for you is, are you willing to expect MORE from your entertainment. If you want bullshit lies and fabrications, watch Real Housewives or Jersey Shore or something. If you want the truth and the facts, unfortunately, I think you...I think we all...are going to have to dig a little deeper.

This has become much longer than I intended. I wanted just a paragraph and then to move on to other nuggets of wisdom. So, I'll end here with this topic and add another short note separate from this one.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Is there a topic upon which more writers have focused than Happiness? OK, maybe love. and Hate. Possibly mosquitoes.


I heard someone state recently "Happiness isn't a destination, it is a mood". I've since repeated that ad nauseam to anyone who would listen...but mostly people who won't.

"Are you happy?" "Is your life happy?" "Does your job make you happy?" "I need to find someone to make me happy".

I've got news for you, sister, nobody is going to MAKE you happy...except you. Happiness is a mood, but it's more than that. It's a decision.

"Look at the bright side". No shit. Seriously, perception is reality and you can definitely alter your perception. People do it all the time. You have to simply choose upon what you focus. You can choose the people with whom you spend your time. You can be happy.

There are definitely things...other choices...which make being happy more often simpler. Get in shape. Have I mentioned this before, dear reader? I think maybe I have once or twice. Do cardio. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get cardio-fit. But now that I am, I will never go back. I bounce around like fucking Tigger half the time. And when I want to do something, whether it's running around with my friends' 3-yr old son or taking an impromptu hike through a local park, I enjoy it more because I'm fit and I can do it. Shit. Wit. Sorry, word salad.

And that's great! But, when you're healthy you also alter your brain chemistry. Your neurons fire more efficiently, you not only have energy for the body but you have energy for your mind. That goes a long way towards making you mentally limber enough to choose to be happy.

Choose to do something you love. If you hate your job, make a change. Need more school? Take it. Need some certifications? Do it. Need to downsize your car, house, pet or blu-ray fixation in order to afford it? DO. ET.

We're surrounded by media that fixates on the bullshit bad stuff. Politicians, greed, hunger, malice, selfishness. Avoid that shit! Watch uplifting stuff on the tele. Watch CBS Sunday morning for your news. Listen to happy music. TURN OFF THE BULLSHIT.

Got that friend who always brings you down? Feel like you owe it to them to hang around and try to build them up? You don't. Not if it's going to pull you into the depths of despair. If you are miserable you will only make others miserable and we don't need any more miserable people bleeting around.

Now, don't get my wrong, everyone has sad days. Mad days. Bad days. It happens. But, with a little mental floss, you can turn those bad days into a bad DAY. Or, maybe some sad hours. Or, eventually a few mad/bad/cad/sad/plaid minutes.

You'll be doing us all a favor. So, dust off that smile, get off your ass and start spreading happiness like it's a fucking flesh-eating virus.

That is all.