And since that usually requires two hands, I try to put everything else I need into the seat. I tuck his bottle next to him. I'll put my phone on his stomach. Mail? Yep, that gets lumped on. Hat. Wallet. 12-pack? Basically if he can't swallow it, it's in there. He peeks through the eclectic jungle like a baby fawn, scared there will be a tiger around the corner, but still curious. Either that or he can't breathe. I'm not sure.
One of the best things about having a baby and being a SAHD (stay at home dad) is that you have someone who is always happy to see you and thinks you are the funniest motherfucker in the world. He might be entertained by something super complex like the shadows his hand makes or how far he can get his foot in his mouth, but when he catches sight of me looking at him he'll break into a wide, gummy grin and act like I'm the most amazing thing he's ever seen. I'm sure he thinks of me as a thing, not a whom. Also, I am really funny. All those years being an olnly child have served me well. Hours in front of a mirror contorting my face into weird expressions and making strange sounds have, up til now, only allowed me the coveted title of "most likely to annoy" in every friends group I've been a member. Now, however, a squinty face or a vibrating of my uvula (yes, dudes have uvulas) sends him into convulsions. I am funny! Either that or he's rabid or something. Hmm, he IS drooling. I'd better check that out. I'll get back to you.
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