Is there a topic upon which more writers have focused than Happiness? OK, maybe love. and Hate. Possibly mosquitoes.
I heard someone state recently "Happiness isn't a destination, it is a mood". I've since repeated that ad nauseam to anyone who would listen...but mostly people who won't.
"Are you happy?" "Is your life happy?" "Does your job make you happy?" "I need to find someone to make me happy".
I've got news for you, sister, nobody is going to MAKE you happy...except you. Happiness is a mood, but it's more than that. It's a decision.
"Look at the bright side". No shit. Seriously, perception is reality and you can definitely alter your perception. People do it all the time. You have to simply choose upon what you focus. You can choose the people with whom you spend your time. You can be happy.
There are definitely things...other choices...which make being happy more often simpler. Get in shape. Have I mentioned this before, dear reader? I think maybe I have once or twice. Do cardio. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get cardio-fit. But now that I am, I will never go back. I bounce around like fucking Tigger half the time. And when I want to do something, whether it's running around with my friends' 3-yr old son or taking an impromptu hike through a local park, I enjoy it more because I'm fit and I can do it. Shit. Wit. Sorry, word salad.
And that's great! But, when you're healthy you also alter your brain chemistry. Your neurons fire more efficiently, you not only have energy for the body but you have energy for your mind. That goes a long way towards making you mentally limber enough to choose to be happy.
Choose to do something you love. If you hate your job, make a change. Need more school? Take it. Need some certifications? Do it. Need to downsize your car, house, pet or blu-ray fixation in order to afford it? DO. ET.
We're surrounded by media that fixates on the bullshit bad stuff. Politicians, greed, hunger, malice, selfishness. Avoid that shit! Watch uplifting stuff on the tele. Watch CBS Sunday morning for your news. Listen to happy music. TURN OFF THE BULLSHIT.
Got that friend who always brings you down? Feel like you owe it to them to hang around and try to build them up? You don't. Not if it's going to pull you into the depths of despair. If you are miserable you will only make others miserable and we don't need any more miserable people bleeting around.
Now, don't get my wrong, everyone has sad days. Mad days. Bad days. It happens. But, with a little mental floss, you can turn those bad days into a bad DAY. Or, maybe some sad hours. Or, eventually a few mad/bad/cad/sad/plaid minutes.
You'll be doing us all a favor. So, dust off that smile, get off your ass and start spreading happiness like it's a fucking flesh-eating virus.
That is all.
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