I've been watching ER since its inception in 1994. 13 seasons later and I still think the show is one of the best on TV.
But, after watching the latest episode last night (thanks TiVo!), I have to wonder where the current writers get their sadistic streak.
Sure the main characters have suffered their share of deaths, breakups, maulings, arrests, screw-ups and more than a few broken relationships. But, at some point can't they just allow at least one or two of the characters to enjoy themselves and be happy? How about focusing on the MEDICAL parts again. Some of the characters just have one major problem after another.
Let's take Sam. First of all, she's a single mother to a teanager. If that isn't bad enough, take into account that her ex husband is a loser who kept trying to mess with her son. Finally, a season or two ago, he kidnapped him. Sam, who, at the time, was dating Dr. Kovac, had to run across the country to try to find him. Oh, and he was diabetic, without his medicine and was almost dead when they finally found him. Oh, and then she and Kovac broke up because he wanted kids and she didn't. Then she and her son were kidnapped at gunpoint by her ex and some of her prison buddies. The Ex shot the other two accomplices. Sam was raped and then killed her ex while he slept. She managed to get off of any charges. Then she met a nice intern at the hospital. He came over and the first night they slept together her son started a fire and caught her entire apartment building on fire, almost killing several people, including them. Hasn't she suffered enough? I mean, she's been through her share of shit. Yet whenever she starts to get on track, they fuck her up again. Enough already!
Then there's Dr. Kovac. Not only was his entire family murdered in Croatia before he came to the states, but he's had plenty of hard times. He's almost lost his license a couple times, had plenty of legal problems, personal problems and been threatened at losing his job several times. He lost several relationships, including ones with Abby and Sam. He was almost killed during the kidnapping of Sam at the hospital and Abby, who's carrying his child, almost died. They finally managed to get through that and there were problems with Abby's birth. The writers let their son live (unlike with Dr. Carter) and Kovac starts having legal problems with a former patient of his. He manages to be cleared of all charges, but the guy stalks him, finally showing up at his house (last week)threatening Abby, taking Kovac hostage, crushing his hand (ruining his career?) and then almost killing him. The guy's suffered enough. Let him be happy!
Finally we have Abby. She's an ex-drunk with a psychotic mother and a loser brother who have caused her plenty of problems. She's had hardship after hardship, lost several relationships and has had heartache all along the way. She was abducted last season, held at gunpoint and made to care for an injured gang-banger for several hours. She almost lost her baby with Kovac and now their livlihood is in question due to his injury. She's lost almost every friend she's had on the show at one time or another. They just can't seem to leave her alone. They'll let her be happy for a show or two, then screw her over.
I'd love to see them do more of the medical dramas and less on the disastrous lives of all the people in the ER. At least let some of these folks have some success. I realize that life isn't a bowl of cherries. But neither does it have to be a endless stream of french-fried dog turds.
I realize that life isn't a bowl of cherries. But neither does it have to be a endless stream of french-fried dog turds.
It's that positive attitude that makes you so endearing to be near!
DUDE! How the hell are you?
Very, very well. I'll see if I can't dig up an actual Email for you, or you can Email me at my chris (at) cyberferguson.net address.
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