Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Illegal Immigration

Thanks dubya for popularizing another improper term. I wonder if your entire "nukeular" family has such a masterful command on the english language.

Here's the deal. Immigration is not illegal. Lots of people immigrate. It's legal. It's how this country was formed and it is desirable. If you come into the country to immigrate, you bring a visa or some other legal document and you enter the country.

If you come over the border without a passport through some illegal means, you're an alien. Aliens are illegal. Immigrants are not.

Please stop misusing the terms.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Del Taco Crispy Shrimp Tacos

I'd never heard of Del Taco until a few months ago when one opened at the bottom of the hill from where I live. Actually, it was probably a year or so ago and I didn't see any need for "new fangled" mexican fast food when there is a Monica's Tacos and Taco Bell both at the same intersection. About 3 months ago Trish and I decided to give it a try. So we did. They have meals with fries. I tried their fish tacos. Pretty damned good! Then I tried their "macho taco" meal. Also very good! The next thing I tried was their Big Fat chicken/beef taco. Awesome! It's like the gordita thing from Taco Bell except it actually has meat, cheese and veges on it. ;) Recently they came out with Crispy Shrimp Tacos. I could eat about 79,000 of these in one sitting. They have a little salsa, some cabbage and some great (non-fishy) crunchy shrimp in a flour tortilla.

I'm impressed with Del Taco and they have won me over from ever going to Taco Bell unless I'm on the road or something. If you see one of these places, give them a try. I'm betting you won't be sorry.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Friday top 5 list (on Sunday)

Little late, but here are my top and bottom 5.

Top 5
1) Larry Johnson
2) New Haircuts
3) Chipotle burritos
4) Thanksgiving meals
5) Territory Ahead There's almost nothing here that I don't like.

Bottom 5
1) Customer service that simply says "I'm sorry you encountered this problem" not "Here's what we'll do to solve it.
2) Overcooked pasta :)
3) Aphids! I hate this bastards!
4) Customers who can't be happy and constantly complain
5) Car maintenance costs. Headlights, tires, etc. Can't they last forever?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday top-5 list

I'm apparently really crappy about blogging. I always think "oh, this thought is so clever and neat, I'll add it to my blog". I don't. Maybe I'm too lazy or maybe I'm too easily distracted. Maybe both. So, I've decided to post a quick top 5 list today. I hope to do this every Friday. It'll be sort of a recap of things I liked and disliked for the week.

1) Reach toothbrush with the little rubber thingies. Crest impersonation not the same. The reach toothbrush is awesome!
2) "The Song Remains Un-named" by Silent Civilian. Great tune!
3) People in KS Some of the most genuinely friendly people I've ever met. The true Midwest isn't totally extinct.
4) My car Performed like a champ and made 1000 miles of driving in 3 days pretty comfortable.
5)Marvel Comics This "Civil War" stuff that is going on is pretty damned interesting.

Bottom 5
1) KS state police on I-70. I swear over a 300-mile stretch (one way) I saw at least 15 of these fuckers, trying to catch speeders. I-70 through KS is about the straightest, flattest, most boring stretch of road there is. People SHOULD speed there. Add to the fact that they lowered the speed limit to 70 and this is just one big fucking speed trap that I hate.
2) Big square cars. If you drive a Lincoln Continental, whose styling hasn't changed in...oh, 7000 years...drive the motherfucker, don't set the cruise at 30 and sit in the left lane. Big boxy piece of shit!
3) Our US postal service. Not only do our neighbors get delivered things like packages, magazines and checks, but we get a bunch of their shit. I'm not talking next-door neighbor, I'm talking about people blocks away...
4) Linksys router Had nothing but trouble since I set up this POS.
5)XM Radio commercials I do pay for service so I don't have to listen to your shitty goto* ads or how to hypnotize myself into having a spine, don't I?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Enough of the John Mellonchump!

OMG! Sunday is football day, right? Gotta watch the games and track your fantasy team's progress. I am SO sick of John Mellanomacamp's fucking song "this is our country". It's on every fucking break! They even had him sing it during one game of the World Series...before the album was even released. Know what? It's my new most-hated song. Fuck you, you overcommercialized simpleton, hick cock! I will never buy your album or any other album by you. I might not ever by Chevy products now simply because of the over-played "my country" commercial. Get that washed-up asshole off the air! Puhleeeeeeze.