Friday, July 03, 2015

Shaman of the tribe

I've had the opportunity to be a member of some pretty special friends groups in my lifetime. Some people idolize me but more often than not I'm the member of the group to make everyone laugh or the party guy. I had one friend describe me as the shaman of the group. I'm the one people go to for advice, to ease their troubled minds or off of whom you bounce ideas. 

I have never been the one who everybody comes to see. I'm not the administrator. I'm not the owner of the gathering place. And I've had my feelings hurt when my friends have called other "leaders" of a group when they're home from break or someone else is the one they turn to when they want to hang out. I always wanted to be that leader, the one who organizes the group. The glue. 

But now I think I'm ok being the shaman. I don't mind being the witch doctor. I'm ok being the diplomat behind the scenes. While I may not be the figure head, I am the empathetic spiritual leader whom people come to when they need a sympathetic ear. And I have some fantastic friends, so I'm blessed to be able to calm, reassure and heal them. 

Sometimes you don't get the role you want. Sometimes you grow up to fill the role you were meant to play. 


Ferguson_C said...

Interesting. You find your role consistent then? I wonder what my role would be. Perhaps I'm the guy who brings the chips.

Chas said...

I would say you're the scholar. You're supportive and kind, but your main focus is often intellectual.

jim.pollock7 said...

hmmm this is very interesting.. does this make me the Protector? or the berserker fighter?