OK, I know everybody thinks that their kid is the cutest or their dog is the neatest or smartest. It's human nature. But, my dog, Jax, really is the best dog in the whole world.
He is naturally kind and gentle. From the time he was about a year old, weighing about 100lbs, he would play very rough with me, but whenever a child would come over and try to play with him, he'd immediately back off and cease being aggressive at all. It wasn't something that was taught to him, it is just his nature. Any small human he gives a wide berth, is extremely kind and patient and makes sure he doesn't hurt them. I've even seen a toddler grab hold of a handful of fur and skin and use Jax to help him get up. Jax didn't move, didn't wine, didn't even give a look of "ah, shit, what is this guy doing?". He just stood there and waited until the kid was stable on his feet.
He's got some personality. He always wants to play, even at 10 years old. And when he doesn't get his way or doesn't get the attention he deserves, he'll pout. For instance, he'll go into the closet and orient himself with his backside pointing towards me. Or he'll go lie down somewhere and emit a huge dramatic sigh. He doesn't get angry. He doesn't whine or cry or chew things up in frustration. He just sits there and waits for me to get off my computer or finish cooking food or whatever I'm doing.
He is so strong and powerful. I remember once he pulled my 200lb friend AND my loveseat across the room while playing with a pull-toy. But he never hurts anyone. He won't take a treat from your hand unless he is sure that he won't bite you. He never snaps or grabs anyone. He doesn't jump ON people, though he has been known to jump up to your level to say "hi", but he won't put his paws on you like some dogs.
He's beautiful, inside and out. And I love him dearly.
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