Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fuck you cable companies (no NFL games)

OK, so once again I'm not watching a Thursday night football game. Luckily it isn't one that I really need to see for fantasy football, but I'd still like to be watching it.

But, good ole Comcast (formerly Adelphia) won't show the games on a non-premium channel, so NFL network won't let them televise it. I like that the NFL network is standing up to cable. However, the "NFL network" experiment this year is falling flat on its face because cable companies refuse to air the games for free.

My love for Comcast was greatly increased (sarcasm) due to the fact that not only my internet access but cable signal period was down all day long today. With being snowed in by a huge blizzard, this didn't win them any points.

If my connection still has problems next week (it's been up and down in the afternoons a lot), I'm going to call and complain until it gets fixed. Bastards! Bet we get fucked out of Saturday's game too...

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