People are terrified in the Unite States. People are sad. But it isn't because Trump is our next president. It's because of what was revealed about America.
America is mostly racist.
America mostly thinks women are disposable. They value men over women. They prefer sons to daughters. They prefer fathers to mothers. They support a man being paid more for doing the same job as a woman. They believe women should not be able to make decisions about their own bodies.
America is Christian. Or at least they think they are. Most don't even know what Christianity means, aren't true followers of Jesus. Either way, no other religion matters but Christianity in the US. If you believe anything else, you are not welcome here.
America is not welcoming of other nationalities, immigrants or other cultures. While this may seem odd, considering our country is made up of mostly immigrants, legal or otherwise, the people who are here now consider themselves the only ones who deserve to be here. Everyone else stay out. The only group of indigenous people in North America are consistently abused, neglected, stolen from, lied to. As I said, America is racist.
If you have any other sexual orientation than heterosexual, you should not have the same rights as heterosexuals. The constitution does not apply to you.
This is not America under Trump. This is America RIGHT NOW. These are our beliefs. If you do not believe this, you are in the minority.
This is 2016 and the question which was answered was not "How stupid are the American People?". The question was, "What kind of people are we?"