Monday, August 13, 2012

the rendezvous...

The hanging lights shone off of her copper hair as she walked towards him. They appeared to flash as she strode between each sets of lamps, making an effect like a very slow strobe light.

As he saw her for the first time in many years she was exactly what he expected and yet more. He was momentarily dazzled and didn’t go toward her. Others were gathering around the exit point of the ferry as people disembarked and joined loved ones. Smiling and shaking his head he started to walk to her. How could he NOT go to her?

So he did. Not running, exactly. He didn’t trust his feet to carry him too quickly.

He gathered her in his arms. How could something so small feel so big? He let out a sigh of well-aged contentment. Then he kissed her…just a brief peck to let her know how he felt.

She kissed him back. He grabbed her bag, put his arm around her and held her closely as they walked from the pier to the parking up on shore.

There were others around, but they went unnoticed. When the couple got to his car he kissed her again. And again. Breathless, they leaned against the car as he pushed against her. He barely managed to break off the spell and get her into the vehicle, hardly noticing the 4 girls riding past on bikes and giggling furiously at the “old” couple making out.

The night was ending and yet just beginning. He couldn’t help but think that there was another beginning occurring too. And maybe just a bit more hope.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

No title because I'm too lazy to be clever.

Random thoughts.

Even though I'm a bit sad, I'm happier today than I've been in a long long time.

The cast of Leverage probably has a blast hanging out/working together.

Chinese makes the best leftovers.

Bees have such a better disposition than wasps.

I love the sun. I am solar-powered.

Even though I haven't watched as much of it as I thought I would, I'm going to miss the Olympics.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


If I were God-sized with God's eyes, what color would I appear to be?

I liked Jar of Hearts (until they overplayed it), but Chistina Perry's new song drives me fucking batshit. I love how 20-somethings can sing songs about how they've been looking for that "special" someone for "their whole life" or "forever" or whatever. Join the list. Get in the back of the line, fucker.

How come we get our eyes, teeth, skin, guts or whatever tested periodically but nobody ever gets their hearing tested. I wouldn't even know where to go to have that done.

MOG! Bring O'Grady's au gratin potato chips back!

If Summer is murder, then I'm a killer. I live for this shit.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Poly Ticks

I don't consider myself a liberal. I guess I would say I'm a hopeful progressive.

Perhaps with respect to social values I'm "liberal".

For instance, I think that any human should be able to be married to any other human (of legal age) that they want to. I don't think gender should play a role. And, I also don't think that "civil unions" are adequate. To me, giving gays and lesbians the legal rights to a civil union instead of giving them exactly the same rights (including name) of marriage is equal to "separate but equal" rights. It's similar to saying African Americans can drink out of a water fountain that is just as good as the one whites do as long as it isn't the SAME one. Think of it this way. If you had a gay brother or daughter or friend. Wouldn't you want them to enjoy the exact same things in life as you do? Or would you say, "Oh, well, my daughter is gay, so giving them approximately the same thing as I have is OK, as long as it's legally the same"?

To me, the issue of gay marriage...or rather the opposition against a religious one. Some religions state (according to some people) that it is forbidden. That's fine. But we can't base our federal laws on any one or even several religions. Hell, it's in our Bill of Rights of our constitution. Freedom OF religion is also freedom FROM religion. Yes, I know that people get all worked up over lawsuits and statements of people who don't want religion-based practices in the workplace...or schools. Our forefathers created the guidelines for our government to keep this nation from being a Christian or Muslim or Jewish nation. It's a nation to be governed free from religion, not based on it. And anyone who argues otherwise simply doesn't know our country's history.

When I think about most views, I think about acceptance and objectivity. But, sometimes I think this can go overboard. For instance, I wasn't able to run track, the ONE sport I was good at, in high school, because they cancelled it. Why? Because of Title 9, they had to have the same number of men and women's sports. And, since they couldn't afford a bunch, cuts had to be made. So, men's track didn't make the cut. Since there was a woman's team, it would have been fairly simple to add a men's team, but nevertheless, that wasn't the rule.

I feel the same way about how our government provides for others. I think it's great to help the downtrodden. I myself was unemployed for most of 2010. And, without unemployment I would probably have either lost my house or I would have had to borrow from friends and relatives to keep afloat. But, even though I looked for work, the jobs I was offered actually paid me LESS than unemployment. So, if I'd taken a job, and paid for the gas and time it took me to get to/from work and to actually work, I'd have been way behind what unemployment paid me for not doing anything. To me, that's not right. It rewards people for NOT working. To me, a better system is to pay for the difference in wages and credit the worker for actually working. So, let's say I make $3000/month at my job and my unemployment pays $5000/month. Let unemployment pay me the $2000/month and credit it towards the length of my payouts. So, if I had a "budget" of $50,000 for unemployment, my job of "$3k/month" would allow me to draw benefits for a longer time. Additionally, that job might either turn into a better job or give me connections to a better job somewhere else.

I believe God helps those who help themselves. I have an external locus of control (look it up). I think that if a tornado is coming at you, you get in the fucking ditch and cover your head. You don't fall down to your knees and say "God, save me". Save yourself!

I believe that women have the right to what happens in their bodies. Furthermore, I think it is not only egotistical, but outright misogynistic for legislatures composed primarily of men to impose laws on women governing what they can do with their bodies. I think it idiotic to say that it's OK to kill a fully-formed adult, but that it's murder to kill a embryo.

I think that our technology has out-paced our social intelligence. I think that all of these topics and issues have come flying at us far faster than we've been able to adapt to accept.

As far-fetched as it sounds, I think that there is a real danger that we will eventually spawn a cyborg-based culture that could eventually destroy humanity. It's only a matter of time before our smart-phones and blue-tooth headsets turn into chips that are implanted into our brains. From there it's a fairly small step for programs and computers to start controlling humanity rather than the other way around.

I believe that God wants us to love each other more than hate. I think that all religions are just a different interpretation of the meaning of life...something which I don't think we comprehend, and perhaps are never meant to.

I think that we need to back the government out of some programs and stop paying for people to be lazy. At the same time, I think it's a slippery slope to be able to judge who's being lazy and who realistically can't provide enough for themselves and their family. And, who judges this? Most religions mention charity and other similar notions as a attributes to which we should aspire. The problem is that we've stopped being good neighbors and members of the "village who raises the child" and government has taken this over for us. If we were all better people, we wouldn't need our government to try (and fail) to provide for our society. If we valued our elders and if we took care of one-another LIKE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO, then we wouldn't have to pay an insane amount of taxes for programs like "Save the childhood-victim-of-ant-attacks-near-the-western-coast-of-great-lakes" or other such ridiculous shit.

So maybe that makes me a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. Honestly, I don't give a fuck anymore. I just want all of us to start providing for each other more, fighting less and loving life. Because despite all the crap you hear about on the news, there is still a hell of a lot of life to love out there.

Enjoy yourself and your fellow humans, please.

EDIT: Let me state that I'm not against Title 9 and that it is a great program that has helped many women. I just used that as an example of laws/rules designed to help people that can, at times, actually cause harm to others.